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We actually DO WANT a special session on Water! Bastrop/Lee Flier, print & share please.

Linda Curtis

You are receiving lots of emails from us — only because the legislative session is in its final days (May 27th is the last day) AND we have a strategically important TEST CASE on groundwater protection in Bastrop & Lee Counties coming to a head NEXT WEDNESDAY.  Be sure to share the flier below this message.

Here’s what you need to know and do now!

1.  Write a letter to the editor of your local paper(s) and tell them the Governor’s threat to hold a Special Session on water is the best news you’ve heard all session.  Maybe, just maybe, the voice of the people to protect Texas aquifers (and the precious agricultural land over them) can creep into a very focused 30 day session!

2.  If you live in central Texas, come to next Wednesday’s contested case hearing at 5 pm at the Bastrop Convention Center.  Print out the flyer below and pass it out or post it around the Bastrop & Lee county area.  We’re calling out the troops to this meeting!  Everyone needs to be there at 5 pm and plan to stay for at least through 7 or 8 pm, likely!!!  (More details forthcoming).  To prepare yourself read these two pieces on the Environmental Stewardship website here and here, if you missed last night’s meeting in Elgin.

3.  Call your State Senator after you read this Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance Update on Animal ID — whether you farm, ranch, own pets or just like your food local.  Make your calls now!

Got questions?  Send an email to or call us at 512-535-0989.

Y’all come next Wednesday, ya hear?!


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