HB 1806 — Can it!
Call the Guv to Veto HB 1806, a bad water and wallet bill if there ever was one. Call the Governor’s hotline now at 512.463.2000! Simply ask Gov. Greg Abbott veto HB 1806 to save our water and our wallets.
This very helpful article printed yesterday —
by writer Brandon Mulder in the Bastrop edition of the Austin American-Statesman is well done and to the point.
Also, the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District in Kendall County, the destination of this San Antonio Water System (SAWS) water grab for the Vista Ridge “San Antone Hose,” wrote this illuminating letter to the Governor calling out SAWS for the things observers throughout the region have come to expect of the rogue water utility.
Are we being harsh? Read the Cow Creek GCD letter here.
An automated call went out today reaching thousands of people across the region urging them to reach the Governor’s office immediately. He has until about June 16th to veto the bill, sign it or let it become law.
Please do all you can to get your friends, family and neighbors to call the Governor to respectfully request he veto HB 1806.
Thanks for whatever you can do and for your consideration.