Linda Curtis
Linda is a leading spokesperson, analyst, and tactician for the Texas independent political movement. She has a long history in independent politics. Linda is proud to have played a part in gaining ballot access in 1988 for independent Lenora Fulani, the first woman and African American to get on the ballot for President in all 50 states. In the 90’s she served on the national committee of Ross Perot’s Reform Party USA and as its Texas state organizer under Texas chair, Paul Truax.
Following the demise of the Reform Party in 2001, Linda helped found the Independent Texans PAC. The PAC got its big break in 2005-6, when Carole Keeton Strayhorn, the Republican Texas Comptroller, left the Texas GOP to run as an independent for Governor against Republican Governor Rick Perry. Linda wrote about this in "Divided We Stood." Perry squeaked by with 39% of the vote, having lucked out with two independents for Governor in the race, Carole and Kinky Friedman. Democratic candidate, Chris Bell, came in second, but with a combined 1.3 million votes, Strayhorn and Kinky came in 2nd.
In 2004, Linda assisted the Libertarian Party of Texas in regaining ballot access. She shepherded their Executive Director in running a successful petition drive which gathered 45,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot and collected 2,000 of the signatures. That same year, Linda advised the Ralph Nader independent presidential campaign, which came close but failed to get on the ballot.
In 2020, Linda was our guinea pig to run as an independent for State Representative in District 17. Visit her website she left online to show you how and what she did. Note: Linda is no longer running for political office and encourages and helps others to run (on all party lines or independent on the issues we think are of great importance to all voters, regardless of their party.

Bill Rhodes, Linda Curtis, and Bill's Tennessee Walker, Whistle, at the Oktoberfest Parade, Dime Box, Texas, October 2022.