For Immediate Release October 24, 2011
Rick Perry’s Prayers Won’t Make it Rain, Neither Will Prop 2 – Vote NO!
Independent Texans, a grassroots citizens PAC for independent, non-aligned voters, has come out squarely against Proposition 2, just as early voting started today. The group released a full policy paper and analysis of Proposition 2, located on their website. The group also opposes Proposition 4 and has posted the analysis provided by Terri Hall of Texans United for Freedom and Reform.
Independent Texans has a full webpage dedicated to the ten statewide propositions, including a handout flier on Prop 2 by water rights activist, John McConnell of northeast Texas, along with the League of Women Voter’s Handbook and the Texas House Research Organization analysis on all ten propositions.
Linda Curtis, Director of Independent Texans, said “We agree with the Texas Public Policy Foundation that Proposition 2 should be roundly defeated because giving $6 billion in revolving bonding authority to the Texas Water Development Board circumvents periodic voter review of massive water projects. The ballot language fails to clearly state that, if passed, Proposition 2 will authorize TWDB to add $6 billion of state debt –in perpetuity– to the already outstanding $14 billion of state general obligation bonds, without ever coming back to the voters.
Michele Gangnes, a board member of Neighbors for Neighbors, said, “Why would voters give [the Perry-appointed] TWDB a blank check for decades of water projects? Unwise reservoirs and pipelines, like its latest priority project to pipe 71 million gallons per day of Bastrop and Lee county groundwater to distant growth corridors, may take priority over truly necessary water and wastewater infrastructure. Giving the Veterans Land Board revolving bond authority for low-interest mortgage loans to veterans makes sense, but TWDB should have to periodically explain its pet projects to the legislature and voters.”
Bastrop businessman, Phil Cook, also a longtime environmentalist said, “Texans cannot afford to allow Perry’s campaign contributors, who want to move water from already dry areas like Bastrop to even drier areas, like the growth corridor from Austin to San Antonio, to get their hands on this bonding authority – in perpetuity. I think Environmental Defense Fund is mistaken in supporting this proposition.”
The water issue has come to light in the presidential campaign, but national press apparently cannot find evidence of the well-known Texas water wars. The record—or lack thereof– of protection of water resources by Rick Perry’s appointees on the Texas Water Development Board is becoming legendary with controversial projects voters in central and northeast Texas have been fighting for years. The national media need to do their homework. Texas press can help them.