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Vista Ridge is on life support…flush now!

Linda Curtis

This giant toilet sits in SAWS’ lobby…flush Vista Ridge now!

On May 11th, SAWS failed to meet the deadline to apply for state water funding (aka SWIFT) for Vista Ridge — aka the “San Antone Hose”. SA Express-News article here.

This giant toilet at SAWS is where the flushing proceeds. But not without your action.

==> Sign this petition now. Add your own comment if you are an affected landowner over the aquifer or affected by the pipeline.[emailpetition id=”7″]

==> DONATE to help us do low-cost ads on Facebook to get our news out. (See the paypal button to your right or go here.)

Call us if you are an affected landowner and can go with us to San Antonio on Wednesday or watch it online here at 9 am.

Vista Ridge ain’t over until the fat utility — SAWS — sings. Keep after it, Texans!


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