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Release: What Really Happaned Last Night!

Linda Curtis


What really happened last night is this.  Over 300,000 Texans (27%) stood up to some of the largest corporations in the world, and the two most powerful lobbies in Texas, from oil and gas and real estate — and their bankroll of $2M.

They spent $2.39 per vote.  We spent .009 — less than 1 penny — per vote. In addition, they had some well-intended people with some bad politics (from a wing of the environmental movement) fronting for them!

Let it not go unnoticed that home of the Speaker’s efforts to move groundwater — Bastrop and Lee counties, and our neighbors in Austin County — (not to mention nearby Fayette, and Lavaca counties) Nixed Prop 6!

Lee County, the home of Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt (the do-nothing lap dog of Texas House Speaker, Joe Straus, who led the campaign for Prop 6), Nixed 6 by 62%!  Bastrop and Austin counties were close behind at 55%.

AND, several northeast counties, where farmers have been fighting the Marvin Nichols Reservoir for over a decade (Cass, Red River and Bowie) led the Nix 6 vote, with Cass County Nixing 6 with over 71%.

We also saw very strong showings throughout northeast Texas, thanks to the leadership of Rep. David Simpson.

A note received from Rep. Simpson this morning:  “I was grateful to work with Independent Texans in a trans-partisan and grassroots effort to inform voters about proposition 6. Where we were able to get the word out, it was well received.”

Congratulations are also in order to Linda Kaye Rogers, who handily won election to the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District!

We are deeply proud of the people in 18 counties that Nixed Prop 6!

Get some rest and get ready for continued escalation of the Texas Water Wars!  This is THE issue in Texas, unless Mother Nature decides to settle the score herself.

Independently yours, Linda Curtis Independent Texans 512-535-0989 office 512-657-2089 cell

PS  We will be calling meetings in the Lost Pines and Hays County in short order, as the filing period for candidates opens.  Please note that last Monday, the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District granted Forestar Real Estate Group a rehearing. We believe they are trying to protect the district from future potential litigation and we support their decision.

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