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Last Stop for End Op

Linda Curtis

This coming Wednesday night, Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District (Lee and Bastrop counties) will make a final decision on End Op, L.P.’s mega-permit demand for 46,000 acre-feet of groundwater per year from the Simsboro aquifer — especially underlying Lee County. This is on top of the 50,000 acre-feet already permitted for Vista Ridge (the San Antone Hose) by the Post Oak Savannah GCD, from the same aquifer system underlying Burleson and Milam counties. And don’t forget Forestar Real Estate’s already settled permit by Lost Pines for 28,500 acre-feet — from the same aquifer.

Where do you think this water is headed? Wherever the growth lobby wants it, including — unquestionably — Hays County, which was specifically added to the permit just a few weeks ago.

We were there in Milano in March 2012, when this picture was taken, challenging End Op’s

We were there in Milano in March 2012 standing up to End Op, L.P.'s pipe dream

We were there in Milano in March 2012 standing up to End Op, L.P.’s pipe dream

pipedream. Come stand with us on Wednesday because we’re not going away…far from it.==>

►Show up!  Wednesday, September 7, 7 pm, Bastrop Convention Center, 1408 Chestnut…get ready for the next round.

Are you planning on joining the picket line at the Growth Summit in San Marcos on Friday, September 16th? Hope so…more here!

P.S. Bastropians: Keep an eye out for information on the Bastrop City Council meeting planned for THURSDAY, September 8th, at 6:30 pm. More when we see the agenda.

PPS We regret to have to reschedule Brian Rodgers’ visit to Bastrop scheduled on the same night.

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