Funny things happen on the eve of elections. Why should Prop 6 be any different? Today’s story put out by some media outlets about the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association’s claims is an example of the bad journalism that harms our voting process. This group says that we have nothing to worry about by diverting $2B from the Rainy Day Fund because Texas is experiencing a virtual “flood” of oil and gas taxes (which supplies the RDF). Well, that settles that!
KEYE-TV news called us for a comment. Thank you KEYE-TV. We pointed out that oil and gas is a cyclical business, so no one has a crystal ball. Furthermore, we pointed out the obvious, that money doesn’t make it rain.
Texans for Public Justice provided a very helpful analysis today of the big money backing Prop 6. It is another scam by businesses who are trying to buy this election to control the purse for water projects. The two largest contributors are Associated General Contractors ($375K) and Dow Chemical ($250K). Do you think they care about affordability or ensuring independent farming doesn’t completely tank in Texas after they move groundwater or flood agricultural land for wasteful reservoirs?
Friends, the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association is not a taxpayer group. Here’s who they are. They are big business and trade associations who make their money off of the growth. They are hardly a taxpayer group that cares about the average taxpayers – young and old, of all economic persuasions. We cannot keep footing the bill for businesses that are not paying their fair share for growth and profiting off of our increased un-affordability and poverty.
Most importantly, it is becoming apparent that there is not enough water to sustain the “flood” of the newcomers. That is why moving groundwater – stealing from Peter to pay Paul – is in vogue right now. Citizens, taxpayers and all of us being pushed to the economic brink, must unite and build the only hope we have now – the independent political movement!