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Don’t be hosed by SAWS or the San Antone Hose!

Linda Curtis

San Antonio Water System official, Robert Puente, told the Express News that it would cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” for San Antonio to get out of the $3.4B Vista Ridge water pipeline project. But the paper failed to ask Puente if this includes the $120 million for the pipeline that went missing last year — for which SAWS has yet to account.

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“Don’t Be Hosed by SAWS or the San Antone Hose”  —>

Join us for a conference call this coming Sunday at 6 pm. We have news for SAWS, The Hose and YOU! Call us for the conference line at 512-535-0989.

And yes, we will talk about upcoming elections. The filing period for candidates to run for local and state office opened on Saturday, November 11 and ends on December 11.

Independent Texans is a political action committee that supports candidates regardless of party persuasion. A united, cross-partisan movement to protect our resources and pocketbooks has long been our goal.

We promise you this for Sunday’s call. You will be intrigued to hear what’s going on with the water wars and independent politics…because our time has come!


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