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Conserve First, Move Water Later Scores HUGE Victory!

Linda Curtis

Folks, we were so stunned last night by the stand of the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District to ratchet back permits for groundwater from the Simsboro Aquifer, it took us a few minutes to realize what a HUGE victory it was!

Click here to read Environmental Stewardship’s cogent analysis of the Board’s truly courageous stand last night.

We also are making regional news!  Here’s a radio report from Statewide Impact News.

The Legislature’s efforts to try to carve a deal for water, education and transportation funding is such high stakes, we have no idea what they’re really doing in committee.  Will they put something on the ballot in November?  They’re trying not to.  We just have to see.

One thing we do know, for sure, is this.  If water marketers continue to try to raid the aquifers of Texas, Texans now have a model for how to respond — just like they did in Bastrop and Lee counties.  We know the marketers (and their friends in political office) are not going to go just go away.  So get ready for Round #2.

Let us know if you want to build the independent movement where you are and we’ll try to make it happen.

More coming soon on what the legislature hands us before sine die — that’s the last day of the session, on May 27th.

Best wishes to you all!



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