As we are all becoming aware, there’s a “water war” underway in Lee and Bastrop counties that can set a precedent (good or bad) for the future of the exportation of groundwater from rural to urban Texas. As citizens are fighting for their water, their land and livelihoods, down at the legislature water profiteers were all over the Natural Resources Committee in the House pushing two bills — HB 1796 by Rep. Jason Isaac, Hays & Blanco County Republican and HB 2740 by Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, Bexar County Democrat. The purpose was to lock in their permits in perpetuity to no changes (reductions) of more than 5%!
These politicians and their lobbyist friends are setting up urban and rural citizens, not to mention entire families, to fight each other.
But we found one unifying theme across our the state and party lines.
Conserve first, import later!
HEAR YE, HEAR YE ALL! Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District will hold TWO hearings next week in Giddings — on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
What Can YOU DO?
We need you to send us your “water war” stories. Did this happen to you? A water marketer shows up at your door and asks you to lease your water rights. You say no. Then he tells you, ‘we’ve got your neighbor’s lease, so we’re gonna get your water anyway.’
If this happened to you, are you willing to go on record?
Call us and plan to be at the meetings in Giddings next week to tell your story.
We’re planning a statewide FLOOD THE LEGISLATURE Call-in Day on Friday, April 19th. Watch for details.
Lee and Bastrop Residents:
Thanks to the many people who came out to our preparation meeting last Monday at the Giddings Library — and the local papers who have printed our letters to the editors and the hospitality of the lovely ladies at the Giddings Library.
We’ve been hearing from many of you who went right out to talk to your neighbors, family and friends. Please keep up the “buzz” — it’s working!
For those of you attending Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt’s Town Hall Meeting this coming Saturday, 7 pm, Lexington Memorial Park Building: Rep. Kleinschmidt’s Chief of Staff, John Higgins, was indicted today, so have fun! We’ve had our own dealings with Higgins who ran a scurrilous campaign in 2010 against Bastrop rancher Pati Jacobs who was running on a “conserve first, import later” message. Spread the word — the people will be heard — next Wednesday and Thursday in Giddings. More soon on plans to flood the legislature!