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Aquifer Protection Alert-Action Request!

Linda Curtis

Many of you followed the planned raid by private water vendors on Bastrop and Lee Counties' aquifer (groundwater). This issue will be getting more and more statewide attention (see article below my signature).

We took this issue out with Pati Jacobs' campaign because it could set a terrible precedent for the rest of the state. Her opponent, State Representative Tim Kleinschmidt heard us, but this Thursday's meeting of the Texas Water Development Board (all Perry appointees) will tell us just how much.

A letter from Steve Box of Environmental Stewardship to the Texas Water Development Board explains why, if TWDB does its duty by state law, the project should be officially scrapped. Please read this very strong and clear statement here and take the following actions:

1. Attend the TWDB hearing this Thursday in Austin, starting at 9 a.m. Pati Jacobs, Steve Box, and we suspect Aqua Water officials, will be testifying. You are welcome to do the same or just be there in support. (If you need a ride, please reply and we'll try to help). Details on the meeting below.

2. Sign this petition at Environmental Stewardship — to be presented at Thursday's meeting. Ask your neighbors to sign too!

3. Call your State Representative and State Senator: Go here to find them – just plug in your address.

There will be more coming on this, so hold on to your hats. Meanwhile, Happy Holidays y'all!

Independent Texans

Thursday, December 16th, Hearing Details:

Stephen F. Austin Building, 1700 N. Congress, Rm. 170 (bring quarters for meters), starts at 9 a.m..

Here's Thursday's agenda, our items are #29 & 34, but those items (based on our observance of past meeting) could be addressed anytime from about 9 a.m. to noon or 1 pm.

Read this article by Gail Reaves, Ft. Worth Weekly on how "Water Politics in Texas is about to get a lot more painful": November 10, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!

Our first meeting of the new year – Saturday, January, 15, at the Bastrop Library, 2 to 4 pm.

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