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Updates on Eminent Domain, Local Foods & Local Organizing!

Linda Curtis

Here are some important updates and events:

Eminent Domain

There’s a lot of news we’re sure you’ve been reading in the regular press about the TransCanada, including this breaking news on protests in NE Texas to stop the Keystone XL pipeline.  Our question is why isn’t somebody doing something to protect the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer that serves 12 million people?

Check out what these brave farmers and landowners, who call themselves the Brazos River Bottom Alliance, are doing to protect their land from seizures by Union Pacific.

Read this new piece on about how NE Texans are organizing “391 Commissions” to protect their land, water and property rights.

Farm and Ranch and Local Foods:

We have been remiss in not mentioning this important event for farmers, ranchers and the many of us who like having our food grown locally.

Click here for the details on this year’s FARFA conference in Bastrop, next Monday and Tuesday.

GMA 12 Keeping Our Water Local: (for central Texas)

A hearing on the ALCOA application for a huge (25,000 acre-feet) amount of groundwater from the acquifer serving GMA (Groundwater Management Area) 12.  Click here for the details from our friends at Environmental Stewardship.

Aqua Water is also holding it’s yearly water forum, this time with Keep Bastrop Beautiful on September 18th.  This is a great opportunity to ask Texas Ag Commission, Todd Staples, how we can keep groundwater local.



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