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Texans to Transition Team: No stimulus funds for TTC/P3s please!

Linda Curtis

Ordinary Texans Reach Out to Obama Transition Team on Stimulus Funds for Infrastructure

Twenty four organizations Texas organizations, representing hundreds of thousands of Texans, concerned with transportation, environment, private property rights, agriculture and government accountability and transparency released a comprehensive report and letter to the Transition Team for President-Elect Obama today.

The letter urges and requests:

1. A careful review of funds requested for Texas infrastructure in order to ensure that these projects are consistent with President-Elect Obama’s stated intentions to provide, create and sustain jobs, repair and rebuild America’s infrastructure, and protect the environment.

2. A federal review and Congressional hearings on controversial Texas projects, including the Trans-Texas Corridor. The hearings should include an investigation into the interference by the current Federal Highway Administration in the 80th Texas state legislative session (2007).

In addition, the letter urges that federal investments in transportation infrastructure nationwide be focused on two objectives:

1. Bringing the current system, including highways, bridges, rail, bus, bicycle and pedestrian routes, up to a state of good repair and operation; and

2. Accelerating the construction and implementation of a robust public transportation infrastructure (light rail, bus rapid transit (BRT), bus, and pedestrian/biking systems in metropolitan areas and intercity rail) in more areas of the country.

If your organization would like to sign on to the letter, please send an email to with your name, the name of your organization and a phone number. You can also reach Linda at 512-535-0989.

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