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Perry's attack on Rep. Todd Smith – Sex or Politics?

Linda Curtis

Dear Members & Friends:

Apparently, some 18,721 Texans (16.7%) who voted in the Republican primary during early voting this last 10 days voted in the 2008 Democratic primary.

Least we be filled with all kinds of nonsense from pundits about what this really means, here’s an independent view. At least 18,721 Texans get it…Texas has an open primary system. Moreover, just because these 18,721 Texans voted in the Democratic primary in 2008 doesn’t mean they were Democrats nor are they now Republicans. These clever Texans shop the ballot — they’re independents! And, they’re out to Boot Perry!

ALSO State Rep. Todd Smith (R-Euless), chair of the House Elections Committee has apparently invoked the ire of the Perry-Perry machinery. (That’s Rick Perry and homebuilder Bob Perry who ARE related — they’re both crooks, as well as David Weekley and others in the real estate/homebuilder/toll road lobby.) Smith’s opponent, a guy named Cason, has been running around the district talking dirty trash about Smith’s supposed stand on sex offenders.

According to Will Lutz of the Lone Star Report the attacks on Smith are happening because Smith had the audacity to question the Texas Residential Construction Commission. Remember how Rick put the TRCC under Bob Perry’s thumb to stop citizen complaints from getting anywhere? (Read about the Perrys’ dirty tricks on Smith here )

Are you sick yet? Get out and vote on Tuesday if you haven’t yet done so and bring your fellow Texans with you. — pass this site on please!

Independently yours, Linda Curtis

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