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Kill the Trans-Texas Water Highway

Linda Curtis

Now that the grand scheme of the Trans-Texas Corridor is DOA, it appears that we the people are going to have to kill the not-dead-yet tentacles of the TTC one at a time.  One of those tentacles is a proposed massive water highway.

Water marketers are swooping in across the state to take advantage of the existing anarchy of Texas water policy. An important test case is underway right now in Bastrop & Lee counties.  Aqua Water, the nation’s largest water coop, has thrown down the gauntlet to stop EndOp, LLC, a private water marketer from pumping all the ground water out from these counties and sending it to Hays County.  Read this hilarious blog about EndOp principal Frankie “baby” Limmer, by Sal Costello, leader against the “double-tax” freeway-to-tollway conversion schemes of Gov. Rick Perry.  According to Aqua Water, “The project is estimated to cost $330,782,000 and would be financed in part by bonds issued by the Texas Water Development Board.”

Here’s a very recent piece in the Austin paper about the status of the moves on central Texas water by water profiteers.  Join us in the fight!  Sign the petition to Kill the Trans-Texas Water Highway!



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