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Jan 15, be there if you care about your water

Linda Curtis

Months ago, we incorrectly reported to you that the plan by private water vendors to raid the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer that feeds Bastrop and Lee counties (aka the Simsboro Pipeline Project) was all but dead. It is VERY much alive. Its statewide implications are now clear.

On December 16th, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB, all 6 Perry appointees) approved the pipeline over the objections of the local community and groundwater district — while in the same breath claiming Texas could not afford water conservation. The original plan for a 50-mile, $300 million pipeline is now a 100-mile, $400+ million pipeline — (Watch the entire meeting online here–our discussion starts at 51.44).

The stage is now set for a statewide water war and the related rise of an independent (outside the parties, non-aligned) unified movement.

The question is whether local communities will have any real control over their groundwater — as we have argued — a bigger, badder Trans-Texas Corridor.

Consider these facts:

· 1,000 people per day are moving to Texas — many from California who already lost their water war. Growth should pay for itself, but is currently rigged to help large-scale developers. (See and

· Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") is mushrooming and requires massive amounts of water. Citizens and officials in the DFW area are raising legitimate concerns about potential contamination of groundwater from thousands of wells. Now, Chinese state owned energy company investments that will help escalate fracking wells from Milam County to south Texas counties (through Fayette & Lee counties.)

· The Texas Railroad Commission already has the power to exempt oil and gas drilling from the regular process for groundwater permitting.

· Local control of groundwater is under attack. The TWDB decision was a set up for private water vendors to sue local groundwater districts.

If the State Pipeline becomes a reality, the Governor's allies will pick the winners and losers in the water war, threatening economic stability and local food sources.

We — citizens, local government and local businesses, urban, rural, conservative ranchers to urban environmentalists — must stand together. We must not let this happen.

Be there! Saturday, January 15th, to listen, learn and participate in making plans to organize in your local community for a statewide effort!

WHEN: Saturday, January 15th, 2-4 pm

PLACE: Bastrop Library, 1101 Church Street

TOPIC: The Texas Water War: Will the people unite?

SPEAKERS (so far): Judith McGeary (or rep), Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance

Pati Jacobs, Bastrop rancher

Linda Curtis, Independent Texans

Phil Cook, Sierra Club

Steve Box, Environmental Stewardship

Never forget — they told us we could not stop the Trans-Texas Corridor.

Please forward this on and bring friends & neighbors!

We have only just begun to fight! John Paul Jones, Revolutionary War Hero



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