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Linda Curtis

Independents No on 6! Calls for Full Debate in Bastrop

Independent Texans, a citizen’s political action committee seeking representation for the state’s millions of independent, non-aligned voters, released a white paper that comes out squarely against Constitutional Amendment 6 — the water amendment — on the November ballot.  The first page offers its own alternative ballot language in stark contrast to the ambiguous ballot language voters will see:

Official Ballot Language for Prop 6:  “Creating funds to assist in the financing of priority projects in the state water plan.”

Alternative Language offered by Independent Texans:  “Providing an endowment for an estimated $30 billion of cash subsidies for water borrowers, by diverting an initial $2 billion from the State’s Rainy Day Fund into the State’s already generous water lending program, to offset the cost of up to 526 state water plan projects, which will be prioritized by the Governor-appointed employees on the Texas Water Development Board and financed without constitutional debt limitations.”

The full text of “Stop the Urban v. Rural Water Wars” can be found here: (and attached)

Linda Curtis, founder of Independent Texans, called for a “full and vigorous” debate on Proposition 6 to take place at their state convention being held in Bastrop this Saturday at the Bastrop Convention Center. Curtis said, “This is another David v. Goliath skirmish — literally. Rep. David Simpson, who is no stranger to fighting Goliath (the Speaker of the House, Joe Straus), will speak on the “opposed” side of the debate on Prop 6. Now all we need are some of the proponents.  We’ve asked the Speaker’s Water Texas PAC and H2O4Texas to provide one or more people to take the ‘in favor’ side. We’ll hold a fair and square debate in Bastrop, since most folks attending will not have heard much about this, then take a straw poll.  Media is most welcome to join us in Bastrop, home of the Texas Water Wars.”  See convention agenda here:

The Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District was created by the Legislature to protect the water supply of Bastrop and Lee counties as its sole mission. In 2013, the District made a decision to protect the local aquifers, by reducing permit applications for two large-volume users, one of which was an application for 45,000 acre feet per year by real estate titan, Forestar Real Estate Group (an offshoot of Temple Inland). The District reduced Forestar’s permit to 12,000 AFY (one acre foot is equal to 326,000 gallons).  Forestar, and at least one other large-volume user (EndOp LC, owned by former Williamson County Commissioner, Frankie Limmer) whose permit is still pending, are positioning to sue the District in potential landmark cases on groundwater districts’ powers to prevent depletion of Texas aquifers.  State Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington) sold or leased his Lee County water rights several years ago.  They are now controlled by Forestar. Kleinschmidt has received over $250,000 from Speaker Straus for his reelection campaigns and, like all state representatives, is up for reelection in November 2014:

Scores of Bastrop and Lee County residents and landowners testimony at recent Lost Pines GCD hearings can be watched here:

Scores of Bastrop and Lee County residents and landowners testimony at recent Lost Pines GCD hearings can be watched here:



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