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East Texas Hearings Continue, Post-Prop 6 Fears & Loathing of Water Speculation

Linda Curtis

Reminder!  The new independent voter association, the League of Independent Voters of Texas continues to hold hearings throughout East Texas on eminent domain abuses, public safety and protection of water resources related to three pipelines carrying hazardous substances (tar sands and its diluents, aka diluted bitumen) and a rail classification yard.

There are three hearings starting this Tuesday in Bryan, Wednesday in Tyler and Thursday in Beaumont.  Click here to read about it and for times and locations and please consider becoming a member for just $20 for the year:  (Note: make sure you watch the CBS report on the faulty construction of the Keystone XL pipeline).

Bastrop and Lee countians! There is a meeting tomorrow night, Monday, December 2, 6:30 pm in Paige (Paige Community Center, 107 S. Main — at 20-)  focused on protection of water resources now that Prop 6 has passed and there are additional challenges posed by 12 new fracking wells starting in Lee and Bastrop counties.

Check out this piece in today’s Dallas Morning News about rural counties’ fears (and how ’bout a little loathing) about water with a quote from Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape:’-thirst-after-water-fund-vote-Dallas-Morning-News.pdf



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