photograph by Duane A. Laverty WACO TRIBUNE HERALD
Calling it the “proposed Oklahoma-to-Mexico thoroughfare”, the Waco Tribune Herald noted that Carole has been busy on her own circuit of attending Texas Department of Transportation hearings speaking out against the Trans Texas Corridor:
For one thing, why would Perry want to prevent full disclosure if not for hiding its sell-out content? Let’s keep an eye on that one.
The Austin-American Statesman noted;
Around those who hold sway at the Texas Capitol, independent gubernatorial candidate Carole Keeton Strayhorn sometimes gets shrugged off as a fast-talking party turncoat with little chance of making a strong November showing versus GOP Gov. Rick Perry. Yet the second-term state comptroller, who outpolled all state office-seekers by drawing 2.8 million votes in 2002, might retain substantial appeal among folks whose lives do not turn on the vinegary tit for tat that plays out near the pink dome.
Well, at least no one has criticized her clothes! Ah, politics, you gotta love it.