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Call to Action: Dump Perry and His Snake Oil

Linda Curtis

Dear Members & Friends:

Did you see that Rick Perry is trying– again– to sell us a bunch of snake oil? The Governor was in front of the cameras today calling for a constitutional amendment to place the same eminent domain law the legislature passed in 2005, into the Texas Constitution. But wait, you say, didn’t he veto the REAL REFORM eminent domain bill (HB 2006) back in 2007? Sure did! And he did this on the heels of making false claims that the Trans-Texas Corridor was “dead”!

What’s the Governor really up to? Well, of course, he’s running for Governor again. What’s more Perry’s playing us with his shell game as he continues efforts to grab Texans’ land — by the hundreds of thousands of acres — for the Trans-Texas Corridor — something we universally oppose. That’s a funny way of showing his “support” for reforming eminent domain, eh?!

What is Kay Bailey Hutchison going to do about this? It sure looks to us like a shot by Perry over her bow!

She needs to step up and take this guy on. Texans, of all persuasions, are really sick and tired of Rick Perry and his snakey, sneaky ways. He keeps leaving us all at the alter — knocked around!

So, here’s what you can do. Call or write to Kay Bailey Hutchison. Ask her to take Perry on. Tell her that you, and thousands of Texans, know that Perry couldn’t care less about Texans property rights. If he did, he wouldn’t have vetoed the real eminent domain reform bill in the last session, nor our moratorium bill on the Corridor and freeway tollways. Tell her she can stand up for Texans property rights, for a real transportation plan and for REAL TxDOT reform. Tell her that if she will start calling the Governor on his slithery and dishonest ways, you’ll be there for her.

Here’s how you can contact her:

Email Senator Hutchison here:

Or call her at any of her offices listed below my signature.

If you hear back from her, please let us know how it goes. Thanks y’all. Let’s keep in close touch as the Texas Legislative Session heats up.

Linda Curtis Independent Texans PO Box 14294 Austin, TX 78761 512-535-0989 home office 512-383-8484 Austin office 512-657-2089 cell

SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 284 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-4304 202-224-5922 202-224-0776 (FAX) 202-224-5903 (TDD) SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 961 Federal Building 300 East 8th Street Austin, Texas 78701 512-916-5834 512-916-5839 (FAX)

SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 10440 N. Central Expressway Suite 1160 Dallas, Texas 75231 214-361-3500 214-361-3502 (FAX)

SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 1919 Smith Street Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002 713-653-3456 713-209-3459 (FAX)

SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 3133 General Hudnell Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, Texas 78226 210-340-2885 210-349-6753 (FAX) SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 500 Chestnut Street Suite 1570 Abilene, Texas 79602 325-676-2839 325-676-2937 (FAX)

SENATOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 1906 G East Tyler St Harlingen, Texas 78550 956-425-2253 956-412-1468 (FAX)

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