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Act Now: A Trans-Texas Corridor Special Session

Linda Curtis

Dear Friends and Members:

The last thing Rick Perry wants to do is a special session on his privatized toll road scams, the Trans-Texas Corridor being the biggest one of all. Thank you, Governor, for your incompetent tomfoolery!

The Special Session starts next Wednesday, July 1st. The Governor and his minions are going to try — in the matter of a 3-4 day session — to pass legislation that will allow for the Corridor (through CDA’s, which stands for comprehensive development agreements) AND to extend TxDOT’s (not the employees — the big wigs at the top appointed by Perry) thieving ways until the 2013 session (4 years, not the two years you’ve seen in the press.)

What can you do? That’s easy — Do the Texas Two-Step:

1. Call today (or Monday or Tuesday) your State Representative and State Senator. Click here to find them. Then forward this email or give a round of calls to every Texan you know to do the same.

2. Help us reach thousands of Texans via phone calls to your area starting Monday. We will provide you a list. OR send money! For every dollar you give, we will reach 100 (that’s right, 100) people, via a simple automated call with a live volunteer operator to answer questions. (Note: If you cannot give online, reply to this message and let us know how much you are mailing to our PO Box below or call us.) Here’s where you can give online (our first preference!):

Note: If you live in the Austin area, come to our office on Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday (10 am to 9 pm) to help answer phones (just reply to this message or call us to let us know.) You can also email us at:

Seize the moment before the Governor seizes our land and our rights.

Hold on to your hats folks, it’s going to be bumpy ride for us and the Governor!

Independently yours,

Linda Curtis Independent Texans PO Box 14294 Austin, TX 78761 512-535-0989

PS Are you just hearing about this issue or want to understand it better? Click here for a letter sent to the new federal administration last January.



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