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Spread the Poop on Perry!

Linda Curtis

The Perry Poop webpage is now online at a new federal Super PAC for independent Americans —!

Seriously folks, the point here is not to simply have fun bashing the Governor.

The point is to facilitate Texas independents sharing our unique views about and direct experiences with Governor Rick Perry with those voters most likely to determine the outcome of this presidential election — America’s growing numbers of independent voters.

Early next week this site will go out to over 14,000 national media outlets, including thousands of bloggers, who would love to know what ordinary Texans, particularly independent voting Texans, think about the Governor. This is your chance to tell them.

We invite your participation now to help spread the Poop on Perry:

Step 1: Go to the site and read the “Our Story” and “About” sections.

Step 2: Then go to the “Testimonials” to add your own concerns about the Governor.

Step 3: On the “Poop” page and its sub-pages, you can add your own links, watch funny videos, post funny pictures and more!

Step 4: Please sign up on our “Mailing List” page to receive communications from about the Presidential campaign.

Step 5: Most important to its success is that you Donate outright or for bumper stickers that help spread the poop on Perry across the land!

So, get along now you little independent Texas doggies and go to and get your friends and family to do the same!

Don’t feel shy about commenting on any of the pages. The whole thing is an interactive heaven (a blog), including the Share buttons on every page.

Below are very important notices relevant to us here at Independent Texans. We hope to see you at one or more of these planned in Brenham (this Saturday), Bastrop, San Antonio and Austin. More are on the way, so keep checking the Events page.


*  Our friend, Byron Smith, lost his two dogs and home in the Bastrop fires.  Byron makes his living as a musician and needs some help.  You can donate directly to Byron for clothing and other necessities.  When the time comes, we will help him clean up his home site.

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR UPCOMING EVENTS:  Brenham (Rainwater Harvesting Event THIS SATURDAY!), Bastrop on Oct., San Antonio, Oct. 3 (including the flier below) AND the TTC Defeat Celebration by TURF in Austin, Oct. 15th.  Please share this information!  Click here for a flier of our October 3rd event in San Antonio on the Statewide Propositions we’ll vote on in November — October 3rd Forum, “Conservatives and Progressives Agree!”



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