This video is of yours truly speaking to the Texas Water Development Board last week urging them

Do not use public dollars to drain and abuse us.
not to use state water funds (SWIFT) to abuse — and drain — their fellow Texans.
The good news is that today Vista Ridge (the San Antone Hose) continues to teeter on collapse.
But don’t y’all rest easy – Vista Ridge is still alive, and bigger equally absurd, water/money heists are a’ flyin’!
This hit the news big yesterday. Anyone want to buy land used for strip mining? It’s all about Simsboro water and $$$, y’all.
Do yourself and us a favor — come to one of these events starting tomorrowor help set one up like it where you are.
Tomorrow! Friday, April 22, City of Cadlwell Civic Center, 6:30 pm, “The Risks of the California Water Model to Texas” sponsored by the League of Independent Voters. More here. Monday, April 25, Bastrop City Council debate at City Hall, sponsored by Independent Texans PAC — all four candidates have confirmed! More here. Tuesday, April 26, 5:30 Liberty County Meet & Greet sponsored by
Independent Texans, and founding a local independent organization! Remember our dear independent friend in Dayton, Arlan Foster? This is all his fault 🙂 More here.
No time to waste crying over spilt water…yet, anyway. Our scrappy independent populist movement might just get lucky and have the last laugh.