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Unchain our hearts, two parties!

Linda Curtis

Thanks to all you outsiders who showed up last night to hear the

Bastrop Outsiders — a collection of wonderful musicians from our region — and for Progressive Revolution of Bastrop County’s co-sponsorship of this event.

Click on this picture — enjoy a tad of this recording of local resident, John Inmon and his incredible band’s rendition of “Unchain My Heart”. WOW!!! (please excuse our video camera sound quality)

Additional and very special thanks to musicians:  Missing Traditions, Ky Hote, Larry Wilson, Jim Outlaw, The Porch Pickers and Ernie Wylie Harkins who also organized the event.

This personally had me yearning for a full blown independent political movement to unchain our votes from two-partyism.

Hundreds of bad bills are now moving in this legislative session.

Last Tuesday, landowners held the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Distrct’s (Milam and Burleson) feet to the fire, but were out-matched by water marketer, Blue Water and it’s Vista Ridge/San Antone Hose partners. Blue Water’s attorney attacked citizens from Bastrop and Lee counties as “outsiders” (we were invited AND we share the same aquifer). The nincompoop then proceeded to verbally beat up on the locals. Truly disgusting!

SAWS continues merrily on its way to working the inside of the legislature. The California Water Model — mass movement of groundwater seems inevitable, but wait…

It takes a lot of tough love to STAY IN THE FIGHT FOR TEXAS, our land, our water and our elections. Who really knows who will wind up on the floor and in what round.

So…all you outsiders who read our emails and come out on occasion. Thank you for helping us BE outsiders.

Take these three punches to keep us fighting for you:

Punch #1:  Take action on this legislative alert from the League of independent Voters.

Punch #2:  Come to the Elections Committee hearing on Monday, April 24, at 2 pm (notice here).

Sign a card FOR HB 3068, the Voter Choice Act and FOR HB 3332, a good petition rights bill.

Punch #3: Donate to Independent Texans PAC to help us do the work we do and volunteer~!

Thank you to the bands for unchaining our hearts last night. Let’s unchain our votes!

Gratefully and independently yours, Linda Curtis


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