This is from a blog from , Peggy Fikac to be precise. I don’t really know why newspaper or newpaper type outlets have blogs as they seem to be just another way to report on something rather than it being a personalized site but..that’s perhaps just me. Peggy reports from her Austin Bureau on the campaign finances so far;
Republican Gov. Rick Perry reported having more than $10 million cash on hand today. Democratic challenger Chris Bell reported having $654,501.62. Perry reported raising $4.7 million since the last reporting period in January, while Bell reported raising $1.6 million. Cash on hand is a running tally of how much campaigns have in the bank. Libertarian candidate for governor James Werner, responding to an inquiry about the money he has raised, quipped, “I hope you have a big sheet of paper to accommodate all the zeros.” He reported $1,330.38 cash on hand. Stay tuned for reports from independents Carole Keeton Strayhorn and Kinky Friedman. The reports due today cover campaign activity for the first six months of the year. UPDATE: Strayhorn reported more than $8 million cash on hand as of June 30. She raised more than $3 million during the first six months of the year.
Click on the text for more of Peggy. do you think the money should be used or how do you think it is being used?