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Media Advisory: Appellate Court hears Crawford v. TransCanada Eminent Domain Case on Keystone XL pi

Linda Curtis

MEDIA ADVISORY               Press Conference Via Conference Call:  July 30, 2013, 3 :30 pm

Contacts: Julia Trigg Crawford, 713.443.8789, Rita Beving, Public Citizen, 214.557.2271, Linda Curtis, Independent Texans, 512.535.0989

Appellate Court to hear Julia Trigg Crawford v. TransCanada Eminent Domain Case Regarding Keystone XL Pipeline

WHAT:  A tele presser following the hearing with the 6th Appellate Court on Julia Trigg Crawford’s challenge to TransCanada’s right to use eminent domain to condemn her family’s farmland for the Keystone XL pipeline.

WHEN:  Tuesday, July 30, 3:30 pm, following the hearing.  Hearing begins at 1:30 pm.

WHERE:  Via conference call at this number: 866.501.6174 and conference code 31790031892 or in person outside the courtroom a Hunt County Auxiliary Courtroom, 2700 Johnson Street, Greenville, Texas.

MORE:  Julia Trigg Crawford said, “My family and I are humbled by the support and encouragement we’ve received from across America and the world on our appeal.  What began simply as the Crawford’s stand to protect our farm has become a stand for everyone’s property rights; and furthermore a movement to bring justice to all those who are facing corrupted land grabs.

As we did at the lower court, we will argue that TransCanada is not a common carrier with eminent domain authority, and did not have the right to take our land from us.  TransCanada arrogantly decided not to wait on the decision of the Appeal’s Court, and has pushed forward with its construction.

Our arguments will be heard by an experienced panel of Justices, familiar with cases of this high visibility and significance.  We are confident our case will be given the thoughtful consideration and the review it deserves.”


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