Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th, is election day on 10 statewide Texas constitutional changes.
In our estimation, the big money and related water grabs by the “growth lobby” are Propositions 2 and 4.
No matter how you vote on the remainder of the propositions, these are the most important to defeat to protect your water and wallets. All the info you need is here:
It became clear at the Water Forum held by Aqua Water Supply Corp. last Thursday, that the fix is in for central Texas.
The is strictly a political hunch, but we’d bet that State Senator Kirk Watson, who pushed Prop 2 at the forum last week, made a deal with key Perry Republicans, to get a nice safe Democratic district this year. The deal went something like this:
Help me throw a bone to the environmentalists (Prop 8), and let’s work together to pass Prop 2, so we can get the $6B in revolving bonding authority to move projects like the Bastrop and Lee counties 100-mile water pipeline to Hays and Bexar County. Oh, and by the way, you will carve a safe Democratic district for me to run in, right?
The Texas water wars have just begun folks — ordinary citizens are going to have to stand up and fight.
If you live near or in Milam County, you may want to attend the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District meeting tomorrow night in Milano. It starts at 5:30 pm at their headquaters at 310 East Avenue C.
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